Friday, September 10, 2010

Something is happening, but you don't know what it is. Do you Mister Jones?

According to Pastor (and so-called Christian) Terry Jones, he's just "just a man trying to do what God has told us to do, which is to take the blinders off as to how dangerous and violent Islam is."

Sadly, the above story didn't include Jones' best laugh-line, uttered on the Today Show this morning" where he proclaimed that "Islam is killing people." There's no doubt that violent, reprehensible and one could even say godless acts have been committed in the name of Islam. We'll be commemorating some tomorrow. To say, though, that an entire religion is evil remains shocking to me. In a weird way, that may be a good thing, as I at least can say I'm not numb to the hateful depravity that's becoming all too common.


  1. In case you miss my post about it on FB, a skateboarder in Amarillo, TX ruined a Terry Jones-esque pastor's day. He had the Koran ready to set aflame, when the skateboarder snuck up behind the pastor, snatched the book out of his hands, and said "Dude, you *have* no Koran!" He ran off and gave the Koran to a Muslim leader who was part of a counter-protest. Vid of news coverage at the link below...

  2. I did see it and had meant to respond on FB. The skateboarder's action may well turn out to be the greatest 9/11 remembrance ever. I don't care why the guy did it, but for whatever reason he made American ideals of tolerance into something concrete, and I love that.
